
Obsolete industrial electronics forum is still alive and well, just undergoing some maintenance and more anti spam stuff, stand by for a better experience

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Modernizing the Obsolete

Started by admino, February 20, 2022, 05:31:AM

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I'm working on modernizing the obsolete industrial forum... Stand by as I bring the forum up to speed.

Thanks for your support in the past and I'm looking forward to a productive future.
Thanks to all for your technical contributions!

The Administration Team at OI


Good work Admino, and nice to see the board is still alive, keep up the modernizing
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-- The Emperor of Methodical Troubleshooting --


Participating in an industrial forum can be a great way to engage with others who perform maintenance and share knowledge within a community. Here are some suggestions to improve your forum participation:

Read the guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the obsolete inductrial's guidelines and rules. Each forum may have specific rules regarding behavior, content, and posting etiquette. Adhering to these guidelines will help you contribute in a positive and respectful manner.

Contribute valuable content: Provide meaningful and helpful contributions to the forum discussions. Share your knowledge, experiences, and insights. Offer solutions or suggestions when appropriate. This will enhance the overall quality of the obsolete industrial forum and establish your credibility as a valuable contributor.

Stay on topic: Ensure your contributions are relevant to the discussion at hand. Avoid derailing threads or going off on tangents. If you want to discuss a different topic, consider starting a new thread.

Use proper formatting and grammar: Make your posts easy to read by using proper formatting, paragraphs, and punctuation. Double-check your grammar and spelling before posting to maintain clarity and professionalism.

Engage with others: Interact with other industrial maintenance techs by responding to their posts, asking questions, and showing genuine interest in their perspectives. Engaging in meaningful discussions fosters a sense of community and encourages others to participate as well.

Avoid self-promotion: While it's acceptable to share relevant links or resources, avoid excessive self-promotion or spamming the forum with promotional content. Focus on contributing value to the industrial community rather than solely promoting yourself or your business.

Use a constructive tone: When providing feedback or engaging in debates, maintain a constructive and diplomatic tone. Offer criticism respectfully and support your points with evidence or logical reasoning.

Report any issues: If you come across any inappropriate behavior or violations of forum rules at obsolete industrial, report them to the forum moderators or administrators. This helps maintain a healthy and positive environment for all participants.

Remember, active and constructive participation is key to a thriving forum community. By following these suggestions, you can contribute positively and make your forum experience more enjoyable for yourself and others.

Hopefully this is some valuable input for the OI forum


I'd personally like to hear from younger technicians here, engagement from young maintenance techs would light this place up. I think you can get a different perspective based on their age. The older technicians have built their experience in a whole different tech world so they see things differently.
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-- The Emperor of Methodical Troubleshooting --