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Obsolete Industrial
Maintenance Tech App

About Us

What does OI stand for? Obsolete Industrial, the website for maintenance technicians.

Obsolete Industrial, also known as OI, is a directory of industrial parts suppliers. We are a technology based business. We put this site in motion back in 2008 after discovering that obsolete parts were making life in the industrial environment difficult. Our team consists of industrial maintenance technicians with a variety of electrical and mechanical backgrounds. We have been repairing, replacing and upgrading industrial controls and equipment for over twenty years.

We are a technology based organization. All parts and information contained on the site have been contributed by a community of industrialists. We do not warehouse parts and components, but provide a means for perspective buyers and sellers to achieve their goals.

OI is user supported. When you buy through our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission, our full disclosure is here.

Maintenance Woes...

Industrial maintenance is a tough business. Budget cuts usually affect machine upgrading and routine maintenance first. The band-aid syndrome becomes prominent when this occurs. How many times have we been turned away when equipment or components, in serious need of upgrade or replacement, get put on the back burner due to expense?

Hence, the maintenance band-aid rears its ugly head to keep the equipment running and the factory floor producing. Obsolete parts sometimes make even this task difficult. The internet however is a great source for obsolete industrial parts and we decided to build a website around the need for locating obsolete components.

Our main source for these obsolete parts turns out to be none other than eBay. This is a world renowned forum with thousands of obsolete items listed daily. These parts can be listed by defunct companies, industrial parts houses, and of ocurse individuals. We have also enlisted a directory program to give direct access to industrial parts suppliers who wish to be listed. These companies must be located in North America to be considered for inclusion to our directory.

OI encourages you to make use of our free service. Hopefully obsoletindustrial.com can make life easier for those struggling on the maintenance front.

Features of OI

Parts Classifieds

We also offer free industrial classified ad system compete with a category designed for want ads. We strongly encourage those with individual parts for sale to list them as ad creation takes only a few minutes and is free of charge. Those requiring an odd part or obsolete industrial component can place a want ad just as easily, again, with no charge or fee. The OI ad system is at your disposal. Place want ads here, list your individual parts here, or post a listing for your company here.

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Automation, Electronics, & Industrial News